Featured Kickstarter Project: Radio Free Albemuth Theatrical Release

Some Movies Belong on the Big Screen

And sometimes those movies are independent gems, made with a passion, love, and attention to detail that can only be truly appreciated when projected in a movie theater.

Thirty feet tall.

At least.

That’s they way we’d like to see Radio Free Albemuth.

The above video pretty much says it all. Five-star reviews, blockbuster special effects, and a filmmaking team working from the heart.

True, most indie films made these days end up going straight to VOD (even with the great cast boasted by this film.)

But we love the fact that this team is turning to Kickstarter to make sure the movie is seen as it’s meant to be–larger than life.

Already Proven Worthy

The movie’s done. Praiseworthy. Interesting.

So what if a “big distributor” won’t spend their time on it.

Let’s all ban together and help put a different kind of movie in the cineplex.

That’s what Kickstarter is for…supporting projects that dare to be different.

Money Where Their Mouth Is

The filmmakers are asking for your support, but they’ve also committed to matching whatever funds they raise on Kickstarter.

Not even Zach Braff made that promise.

Bring this Movie to the Big Screen

We’re proud backers ($25) and we hope you’ll join us in supporting Elizabeth Karr and the rest of the project team who were brave enough to take on such a daunting project.

Support getting Radio Free Albemuth to the big screen by clicking here.