Featured Kickstarter Project: A MUSING

We recently started a “Featured Kickstarter Project” here at the blog as to help support independent filmmakers.

The first film we pledged to and highlighted, TILT, from Phil Holbrook, Julie Keck, and Jessica King recently reached their goal. Congrats! Can’t wait to see your movie.

A Musing

The next Kickstarter project we’re highlighting comes from two extraordinarily helpful, generous people we follow on Twitter: Phil Seneker and David Spies. David also keeps a fun, insightful blog on screenwriting. We pledged $10. As with all Kickstarter projects, if they don’t make their goal we won’t be charged.

We’ve also added them to our sidebar (look to the right) to help everyone keep track of how they’re doing.

You can read all about their project on the Kickstarter page for A Musing.