Joke and Biagio wil Compete for an Academy Award® with Dying to do Letterman

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It’s official. DocuWeeks, one of the world’s most prestigious documentary programs, has invited our self-funded, indie-documentary Dying to do Letterman to compete for an Academy Award®.

You can see this year’s line up here: amazing movies we’re proud to be playing along side.

We Need Your Help

Though we’re part of the amazing program, chasing an Oscar® is not easy, and as such, we’ve decided to ask for your help to bring Steve’s amazing story to the world.


If you’ve never heard of Kickstarter, this video will tell you most of what you need to know:

And this link will tell you the rest.

We Plan to Give to YOU…

…in a big way. Because Kickstarter campaigns can sometimes be…well…a little “me centric” we’ve decided to try to give something back to you as many days as we possibly can.

That beings tomorrow with something I spent about seven hours making, and I hope will be useful to many of you.

In the meantime…

Check out part 1 of our first video from today. We talk about DocuWeeks, qualifying for an Academy Award®, and look really hot and sweaty (reason revealed in part 2.)

Part two is available here

Anyone who pledges at least $1 to the campaign will be able to see part two of this video and all the behind-the-scenes and update videos we create “for backers only” over the next 59 days.

Can’t Do It Without You

Trying to mount an indie Oscar® campaign and put a movie in theaters yourself is daunting. Thanks for taking a look, and we promise to bring you something great every time this campaign turns too “me centric.”

Joke and Biagio