Twitter Time Take 3 – Must-Read Trade Publications for Producers and Filmmakers


Today’s Twitter Time question comes to us from @gabrielnovo.

Gabriel Novo calls himself a “Globe Trotting Cuban” and says he’s trying to “balance his ultra nerdy technology side with his super artsy creative side.”

Good luck with that, Gabe. I seem to lose out to my nerdy side more times than not!

@gabrielnovo: What trade publications would you recommend?

We subscribe to a lot of publications. Rarely do we get to read everything. Many times the magazines end up in the waiting room at our offices for people to read. For that reason, we’re going to start with some FREE resources anyone who wants to be in the business should get. They are free, after all!

Free Trade Resources


From the Cynopsis site:

Cynopsis is a free daily trade publication for the television industry that launched on April 2, 1997, as a simple internal memo. It is published by 530am ET each weekday morning.

If you don’t have the money to subscribe to the Hollywood Reporter and Variety (see below) you’ll get almost all the same news from Cynopsis. Basically, Cynopsis is a showbiz synopsis (go figure) written by Cynthia Turner.

Big news from across the entertainment industry is summarized in one snappy email. We know of no easier way to get “in the know” quickly than reading Cynopsis for 5 minutes a day. There are several different newsletters you can subscribe to, covering different aspects of the entertainment industry.

This is a once a day service, and a great read we highly recommend. However, it won’t bring you breaking news throughout the day.

Holywood Reporter Free Newsletters

I mentioned the Hollywood Reporter above. If you can’t afford the rather hefty subscription price ($199 to $299 per year), you can still get great news and updates from their free newsletters, and these include breaking news…so you’ll get notified immediately if something big is happening throughout the day.

Nikki Finke at Deadline Hollywood

If you really want the latest breaking news, subscribe to Deadline Hollywood. Honestly, Nikki Finke seems to break more news than any of the standard outlets. Beware, this news can be very “inside Hollywood”…if you have trouble keeping up with all the players and drama, don’t worry, keep reading. You’ll catch on soon.

The Studio Group Newsletters

The Resource for Film, HD, digital production and post news, tools, tutorials, reviews and case studies. Home of Studio Monthly and Film & Video Magazine.

The Studio Group puts out amazing material, delivering on the above claim. Subscribe here to keep yourself in the loop about the technology that drives our industry.

Creative Cow Magazine

Anyone whose ever tried to make a graphic, design a title card, edit some video, composite a shot together, or create a 3d scene had BETTER know about Creative Cow, one of the best resources on the web for creative artists. They put out a free magazine you can subscribe to, with issues you can download right now. Go get ’em!

Perez Hilton

People love to gossip in Hollywood! Know what they’re whispering about by reading the blog Perez Hilton made infamous.

Watch with Kristin

You can’t possibly watch everything on TV and work the grueling hours it takes to be a Hollywood producer. So, for TV gossip, spoilers, and breaking news, check out Watch with Kristin. You’ll be a TV super-genius in no time.

Paid Subscriptions

There are some subscriptions we pay for.

HD Video Pro

Filled with in-depth gear reviews, articles on technique and advice from top videographers, HDVideoPro is the professional’s guide to going high def. In every issue, you’ll find: Profiles of top professionals and their work, extensive pro-level equipment coverage to show you what’s new and how to use it, detailed explanations of the latest technologies—everything from software to gear, tips and techniques to help you create and run a profitable videography business, how-to articles that show you innovative ways to use your hardware and software.

It’s a good read. If you can’t afford it, don’t panic.  You can find all pertinent info online.

Videography Magazine

Videography is another great read. Like HD Video Pro, if you can’t afford it, you can find similar stories on teh web.

DV Magazine

Great companion to the above mentioned, DV Magazine speaks a bit more to the rebel spirit that drives the indy professional. To us, this magazine, more than those already mentioned, speaks to stretching your dollar, and achieving great results regardless of your equipment. Great site, too.

CGW (Computer Graphics World)

Because we plan on eventually making blockbuster movies, and know that 3D and CG technologies are getting less expensive and more ubiquitous, we read CGW Magazine to keep up with all the latest in 3D and CG technology. Great stories, great interviews. WARNING: Very geeky at times!

Entertainment Weekly

Less geared for the professional and more viewer-oriented, we still find reading Entertainment Weekly to be a huge asset in our industry. It keeps us abreast of everything going on in pop culture, and prepares us to discuss almost any show or movie in any meeting we find ourselves in. You can also get a lot of great free info from their site and blog.

The Standards

The Hollywood Reporter and Variety remain the standard trade publications in the entertainment industry. Steep subscription prices and stiff competition from the web leads many people to opt-out of subscribing. Make your own decision on whether these pubs are a good investment for you.

In our opinion, Cynopsis, Deadline Hollywood, and the Hollywood Reporter Headlines email subscription will give you the most important news as soon as you need to know abou it. The web will provide you with the rest.

Thanks @gabrielnovo for this week’s Twitter Time question.

To know when we’re taking questions, and to see future posts expanding on the above topics, be sure to follow us on Twitter or subscribe for all the latest updates!

In the mean time, please share what trade publications YOU can’t live without. I’m sure Gabriel would love to hear, and so would we!