Producing Means Not Sleeping

It’s been a crazy couple of months.

We’ve been editing Scream Queens season 2, while producing and editing two pilots. It reminded us of something:

Producing = Not Sleeping

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HDRI Light Kit Pro: Make Gorgeous Graphics with a Gorilla

One of the things we talk about a lot on this blog is the importance of being a Hands-On Producer.

A major reason we broke into the business as quickly as we did was the fact that we produced “great tape.” Video pitches for our TV and film ideas that looked and felt like professional promos. Since we couldn’t afford to pay people to make our promos, we learned programs like Final Cut Pro, After Effects, and Cinema 4D so that we could make “pretty graphics” on our own.

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Is Joke a Debbie Downer?

So, I got called a “Debbie Downer” tonight by someone trying to break into our business.

She asked me some questions. I gave her some straight forward answers. (To set the record straight, I may be more of a realist than an optimist, but Iā€™m far from a pessimist.)

She Did Not Take My Answers Well…

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Why We Do This

My eyes are stapled open so I can keep staring at my computer screen…and I couldn’t be happier about it.