Join Our Scream Queens Famous Friends Page

This is our 100th post! We want to celebrate with you and our Scream Queens.

We’ll Make You Famous!

We want to post pictures of you on our Scream Queens Famous Friends page. Who are those famous friends? Why, YOU, of course!

Your Time to Shine!

Here’s two ways to get on our Famous Friends page:

  1. If you are in New York or L.A. there are large, digital billboards playing the Scream Queens banner like this:


    We’re asking YOU to take YOUR photo in front of one of the billboards and send it to us! We’ll post a gallery of our “Scream Queens Famous Friends” here on the blog!

    In N.Y. the billboard’s in Times Square. In L.A. you can find them on the Sunset Strip. So if you’re driving along and you see one, (carefully!) hop out and grab a shot!

  2. If you’re not in L.A. or N.Y, send us your own Scream Queens photo (get creative!) and we’ll post that as well! That’s exactly what the team from Tilt The Movie did! You can use the billboard or not…just come up with your own Scream Queens-Themed photo and we’ll make you famous!

    We’ll Shout it Out

    We’ll be happy to include your Twitter, Facebook, Blog, or whatever other info you want with the photo you send.

    You can tweet us the pic @JokeAndBiagio or email it to

    social AT jokeandbiagio DOT com (you’ll need to make that a real email address.)

    You’ve all been so great, we’d love to immortalize you in our Scream Queens Famous Friends Gallery!

    Joke and Biagio