Featured Kickstarter Project: TILT

We’re starting a new feature here at the blog called “Featured Kickstarter Project.”

Kickstarter offers a way for independent filmmakers to raise money for their projects through crowd-source funding…in other words, we all pull together to help out our fellow filmmakers.

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Scream Queens 2 Featured On FEARnet

FEARnet did an amazing piece about Scream Queens Season 2! We premiere Monday, August 2nd at 10pm on VH1. Our full court press is now on! Please tune in, support our actresses, and help us get a season 3. 10 Days to go! Set your DVRs!

Scream Queens iPhone App from Joke and Biagio

UPDATE: Alas, as technology marches on, the Scream Queens app is no longer compatible with iPhones these days. However, check out what it was about, and have a look at the commercials we produced and directed for the app below. This was a fun experiment that brought a lot of extra eyes to our VH1 show Scream Queens.

Designed by Joke, programmed by Biagio, it’s the official Scream Queens 2 iPhone app. Free!

Made With Love

Scream.jpgThere was no budget for this app. It was a labor of love–our love for all the fans of Scream Queens. Thank you so much for supporting Scream Queens, and making season 2 possible.

Bad Day? There’s a Scream for That…

Press the giant scream button, and this year’s cast will unleash blood-curdling screams on your behalf! You can even email your favorite screams to friends or co-workers and let them feel your pain.

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Fearless Kid Makes A Movie

Filmmakers and TV producers dream of creating work that changes lives. Inspires people in some way. Affects even the smallest change in our every day world.

Today, a 15 year old filmmaker in Toledo, Ohio, has become our inspiration.

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How to Make the Leap from Short Films to Features

How-To-Make-The-Leap-From-Short-Films-To-Features_medThe other day, we received a question from Sean Duran (on Twitter as @esotericsean.) Make movies? Dreaming about it? Well, in part one of this two part series, we broke down how we launched our production company.

Today, we look at the second part of Sean’s question:

Our passion is short films and we hope to eventually evolve into doing features. We quit our day jobs and are now attempting to shoot actor demo reels and music videos, but it’s tough.

Sean, like many filmmakers, needs a plan to break into feature filmmaking. We’re going to share super-cool, high-powered, proven methods to give anyone–including you–the best odds of using a short film to launch big screen success.

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